It’s known that pregnancies change a woman’s body forever. While many associate this change with the abdominal region, there are other regions that undergo change. Here we discuss about the changes in nipples. Breast tenderness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, usually starting around week 4 to week 7 and lasting through the first trimester, though your breasts will continue to change throughout your pregnancy, culminating with the production of Colostrum – the precursor to breast milk and your baby's first food after delivery – that will begin to leak around week 38. In fact, sore nipples can be one of the first pregnancy symptoms a woman experiences. The pain can range from feeling tender to tingling and aching. Sore nipples during pregnancy can be uncomfortable or irritating but having sore nipples is a sign your body is preparing you to be a mother and to nourish your baby after birth.
What You Need To Know
Nipples come in all shapes and sizes and not all nipples point out away from the breast. Some nipples are flat while others are inverted and pull into the breast. Or, nipples may fall somewhere in between. In addition to that tender feeling, you'll likely notice a few changes in your breasts during pregnancy:
Your nipples: In addition to achiness and tingling, your nipples may be protruding more than usual. Although they might tempt your partner, they probably don't feel that way. In fact, they may be incredibly and agonizingly tender.
Your areolas: Having darker and bigger areola (the dark area around the nipple) is another surprise in Nature’s pregnancy special pack that will continue as the months pass. Your areola will also be sporting Montgomery tubercles that are little sweat glands that supply lubrication to the area. Your gynaecologist can help you with this post delivery.
Your veins: You'll also notice a complex highway of blue veins just below the skin's surface, which carry nutrients and fluids from mother to baby. Your gynaecologist will tell you that these are absolutely normal during pregnancy. Your veins should return to their pre pregnancy state while you are in your postpartum/post delivery care period.
Why Do My Nipples Hurt?
Like everything in pregnancy, hormones are responsible for many of the symptoms you experience. You will have higher levels of the two hormones estrogen and progesterone. They are responsible for breast tenderness and sore nipples. For some women it is one of the earliest signs you are pregnant! During the first three months of pregnancy, fat builds up in the breasts and the milk ducts increase in size quite rapidly. This, as well as increased blood flow to the area, can also cause breast and nipple tenderness.
How To Relieve Sore Nipples?
During pregnancy some women find the increased sensitivity of their breasts and nipples can be a bonus during sex, while other women can’t stand the idea of being touched by their clothes, let alone by their partners. Make sure you talk to your partner about how you and your body are feeling. You might like to consider the following tips to help improve nipple soreness. They might not give you complete relief but should help you to cope better with pain and tenderness.
Hope this information helps. Stay tuned in for more